Transforming LDR denoiser to HDR (C++)

This example demonstrates how to transform LDR denosier to HDR denoiser using tone-mapping as preprocessing and gamma-correction as postprocessing.

#include "rml/RadeonML.hpp"
#include "rml/RadeonML_utils.hpp"

#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

 * Create operation that holds information aboud input data
 * @param graph - graph where operation is created
 * @param name - unique operation name
 * @param shape - shape of input tensor
 * @return - created placeholder operation
rml_op CreatePlaceholderOp(rml::Graph& graph,
                                                   const std::string& name,
                                                   const std::vector<uint32_t>& shape)
        // Create placeholder operation
        rml_op_desc input_desc = {RML_OP_PLACEHOLDER, name.c_str()};
        input_desc.placeholder = {
                RML_DTYPE_FLOAT32, RML_LAYOUT_NHWC, {shape[0], shape[1], shape[2], shape[3]}};
        return graph.CreateOperation(input_desc);

 * Create operation that stores scalar data
 * @param graph - graph where operation is created
 * @param name - unique operation name
 * @param dtype - tensor data type
 * @param value - scalar value
 * @return - created scalar operation
template<typename T>
rml_op CreateScalarOp(rml::Graph& graph, const std::string& name, rml_dtype dtype, T value)
        // Create constant operation
        rml_op_desc op_desc = {RML_OP_CONST, name.c_str()};
        op_desc.constant = {{dtype, RML_LAYOUT_SCALAR}, &value};
        return graph.CreateOperation(op_desc);

 * Create specilalized unary operation
 * @param graph - graph where operation is created
 * @param name - unique operation name
 * @param op_type - type of unary operation
 * @param input - input operation
 * @return - created unary operation
rml_op CreateUnaryOp(rml::Graph& graph, const std::string& name, rml_op_type op_type, rml_op input)
        // Create unary operation
        rml_op_desc op_desc = {op_type, name.c_str()};
        op_desc.unary = {input};
        return graph.CreateOperation(op_desc);

 * Create specilalized binary operation
 * @param graph - graph where operation is created
 * @param name - unique operation name
 * @param op_type - type of binary operation
 * @param input1 - input1 operation
 * @param input2 - input2 operation
 * @return - created binary operation
rml_op CreateBinaryOp(rml::Graph& graph,
                                          const std::string& name,
                                          rml_op_type op_type,
                                          rml_op input1,
                                          rml_op input2)
        // Create binary operation
        rml_op_desc op_desc = {op_type, name.c_str()};
        op_desc.binary = {input1, input2};
        return graph.CreateOperation(op_desc);

 * Create preprocessing graph and connect it with base graph
 * @param graph - base graph to be connected with preprocesssing graph
 * @param input_names - list of unique input names of preprocessing graph
 * @param input_shapes - list of input shapes of preprocessing graph
 * @return - connected graph
rml::Graph ConnectPreprocessingGraph(const rml::Graph& graph,
                                                                         const std::vector<std::string>& input_names,
                                                                         const std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>>& input_shapes)
        // Preprocessing graph includes exponential tone-mapping
        // ldr_color = beta - exp(alpha * hdr_color)
        // alpha = -1.0
        // beta = 1.0
        auto preprocess_graph = rml::CreateGraph();

        // Create placeholder per input
        rml_op color_op = CreatePlaceholderOp(preprocess_graph, input_names[0], input_shapes[0]);
        rml_op albedo_op = CreatePlaceholderOp(preprocess_graph, input_names[1], input_shapes[1]);
        rml_op depth_op = CreatePlaceholderOp(preprocess_graph, input_names[2], input_shapes[2]);
        rml_op normal_op = CreatePlaceholderOp(preprocess_graph, input_names[3], input_shapes[3]);

        // Create alpha
        rml_op alpha_op = CreateScalarOp<float>(preprocess_graph, "alpha", RML_DTYPE_FLOAT32, -1.0f);

        // Create beta
        rml_op beta_op = CreateScalarOp<float>(preprocess_graph, "beta", RML_DTYPE_FLOAT32, 1.0f);

        // Create mul, exp and sub opearions
        rml_op mul_op = CreateBinaryOp(preprocess_graph, "mul", RML_OP_MUL, alpha_op, color_op);
        rml_op exp_op = CreateUnaryOp(preprocess_graph, "exp", RML_OP_EXP, mul_op);
        rml_op sub_op = CreateBinaryOp(preprocess_graph, "sub", RML_OP_SUB, beta_op, exp_op);

        // Create axis for concatenation
        rml_op axis_op = CreateScalarOp<int32_t>(preprocess_graph, "concat/axis", RML_DTYPE_INT32, -1);

        // Create inputs for concatenation
        std::vector<rml_op> inputs = {sub_op, albedo_op, depth_op, normal_op};

        // Concatenate tone-mapped color with albedo, depth and normal
        rml_op_desc concat_desc = {RML_OP_CONCAT, "concat"};
        concat_desc.concat = {inputs.size(),, axis_op};

        // Get tail graph inputs
        std::vector<const char*> tail_inputs = graph.GetInputNames();

        // Get head graph outputs
        std::vector<const char*> head_outputs = preprocess_graph.GetOutputNames();

        // Connect preprocessing graph with base graph
        return rml::ConnectGraphs(preprocess_graph, graph, 1, &head_outputs[0], &tail_inputs[0]);

 * Create postprocessing graph and connect it with base graph
 * @param graph - base graph to be connected with postprocessing graph
 * @param input_name - unique input name of postprocessing graph
 * @param input_shape - input shape of postprocessing graph
 * @return connected graph
rml::Graph ConnectPostprocessingGraph(rml::Graph& graph,
                                                                          const std::string& input_name,
                                                                          const std::vector<uint32_t>& input_shape)
        // Postprocessing graph includes gamma-correction
        // ldr_color = (clip(ldr_color, 0, 1)) ^ (gamma)
        // gamma = 0.4
        auto postprocess_graph = rml::CreateGraph();

        // Create placeholder for color
        rml_op input_op = CreatePlaceholderOp(postprocess_graph, input_name, input_shape);

        // Clip color
        rml_op_desc clip_desc = {RML_OP_CLIP, "clip"};
        clip_desc.clip = {input_op, 0.f, 1.f};
        rml_op clip_op = postprocess_graph.CreateOperation(clip_desc);

        // Create gamma
        rml_op gamma_op = CreateScalarOp<float>(postprocess_graph, "gamma", RML_DTYPE_FLOAT32, 0.4f);

        // Create pow operation
        CreateBinaryOp(postprocess_graph, "pow", RML_OP_POW, clip_op, gamma_op);

        // Get tail graph inputs
        std::vector<const char*> tail_inputs = postprocess_graph.GetInputNames();

        // Get head graph outputs
        std::vector<const char*> head_outputs = graph.GetOutputNames();

        // Connect base graph with postprocessing graph
        return rml::ConnectGraphs(graph, postprocess_graph, 1, &head_outputs[0], &tail_inputs[0]);

 * Read input from file
 * @param input_file - name of input file
 * @return - string content of file
std::string ReadInput(const std::string& input_file)
        std::istream* input_stream;
        std::ifstream input_file_stream;

        if (input_file.empty())
                freopen(nullptr, "rb", stdin);
                input_stream = &std::cin;
                std::cout << "Reading data from stdin...\n";
      , std::ios_base::binary);
                if (
                        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error reading ") + input_file);
                input_stream = &input_file_stream;
                std::cout << "Reading data from file: " << input_file << "\n";

        std::ostringstream stream;
        stream << input_stream->rdbuf();

        auto input = stream.str();
        std::cout << "Input data size: " << input.size() << " bytes\n";
        return input;

 * Write output to file
 * @param output_file - name of output file
 * @param output - output data
void WriteOutput(const std::string& output_file, const std::string& output)
        std::cout << "Output data size: " << output.size() << " bytes\n";

        std::ostream* output_stream;
        std::ofstream output_file_stream;

        if (output_file.empty())
                freopen(nullptr, "wb", stdout);
                output_stream = &std::cout;
                std::cout << "Writing result to stdout\n";
      , std::ios_base::binary);
                if (
                        throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Error writing ") + output_file);
                output_stream = &output_file_stream;
                std::cout << "Writing result to file: " << output_file << "\n";

        output_stream->write(, output.size());

 * This sample demonstrates how ldr-denosier could be converted to hdr-denoiser
 * using tone-mapping as preprocessing and gamma-correction as postprocessing
int main() try
        // Set model path
#if defined(_WIN32)
        std::wstring model_path(L"path/model");
        std::string model_path("path/model");

        // Set input files
        const std::vector<std::string> input_files = {

        // Set output file
        const std::string output_file = "path/output";

        // Set input names
        const std::vector<std::string> input_names = {"hdr-color", "albedo", "depth", "normal"};

        // Set input shapes
        const std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> input_shapes = {
                {1, 600, 800, 3},
                {1, 600, 800, 3},
                {1, 600, 800, 1},
                {1, 600, 800, 2},

        // Create a context
        // The handles are released automatically upon scope exit
        rml::Context context = rml::CreateDefaultContext();

        // Load model as a mutable graph
        // model input - 9-channel 800x600 image (3-channel hdr-color,
        //                                        3-channel albedo,
        //                                        1-channel depth,
        //                                        2-channel normal)
        // model output - 3-channel 800x600 ldr image
        // The handles are released automatically upon scope exit
        rml::Graph graph =
                rml::LoadGraphFromFile(std::basic_string<rml_char>(model_path.begin(), model_path.end()));

        // Add preprocessing of base model inputs
        // Before we can use ldr-denoiser for hdr-data, we should adjust hdr-color
        // using tone-mapping and concatenate it with albedo, depth and normal
        graph = ConnectPreprocessingGraph(graph, input_names, input_shapes);

        // Add postprocessing of base model outputs
        // We should also apply gamma-correction for denoised image
        graph = ConnectPostprocessingGraph(graph, "input", input_shapes[0]);

        // Create immutable model from connected graphs
        // The handles are released automatically upon scope exit
        rml::Model model = context.CreateModel(graph);

        // Set up input info
        std::vector<rml_tensor_info> input_infos;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < input_shapes.size(); i++)
                rml_tensor_info input_info = {RML_DTYPE_FLOAT32, RML_LAYOUT_NHWC};
                                        std::min(input_shapes[i].size(), RML_TENSOR_MAX_RANK) * sizeof(uint32_t));
                std::cout << "Input" << i << ": " << input_info << std::endl;
                model.SetInputInfo(input_names[i], input_info);

        // Check memory info
        rml_memory_info memory_info = model.GetMemoryInfo();
        std::cout << "Memory allocated: " << memory_info.gpu_total << std::endl;

        // Create and fill the input tensors
        std::vector<rml::Tensor> inputs;
        // The handles are released automatically upon scope exit
        for (size_t i = 0; i < input_shapes.size(); i++)
                rml::Tensor input;
                input = context.CreateTensor(input_infos[i], RML_ACCESS_MODE_WRITE_ONLY);

        // Set model inputs
        for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++)
                model.SetInput(input_names[i], inputs[i]);

        // Get output tensor information
        auto output_info = model.GetOutputInfo();
        std::cout << "Output: " << output_info << std::endl;

        // Create the output tensor
        // The handles are released automatically upon scope exit
        auto output_tensor = context.CreateTensor(output_info, RML_ACCESS_MODE_READ_ONLY);

        // Set model output

        // Run the inference

        // Get data from output tensor
        size_t output_size;
        void* output_data = output_tensor.Map(&output_size);

        // Unmap output data
        const std::string output(static_cast<char*>(output_data), output_size);

        // Write the output
        WriteOutput(output_file, output);
catch (const std::exception& e)
        std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
        return 1;