Downloading and Getting Started

SDK can be downloaded from here. Simply click the green Download button to download a zip file of the SDK, and extract it to the hard drive. This will give you the latest SDK. Historical releases are available at this webpage.

Developers may wish to use git clone to clone the repository (which allows them to synchronize the latest changes locally), or use the git submodule function to link their projects to the RPR SDK. We encourage this, although using these tools is beyond the scope of this documentation.

Including the SDK in Projects

Radeon ProRender is a dynamically-linked library (DLL), which is the standard for adding libraries to projects. To build the Radeon ProRender SDK into a project, a few common items from the SDK are required.

  1. Library files for the appropriate OS. Include the files from the RadeonProRender directory in the repo. These should be placed in a folder that will be loadable by the project.

  2. Header files. RPR is a C-based API. To use it with C (or C++) code simply include RadeonProRender/inc/RadeonProRender.h into your code. However:

    1. If you use C#, use RadeonProRender/inc/RadeonProRender.cs.

    2. All the APIs are C-based function calls. For a more modern C++ object-oriented API, please use RadeonProRender/rprTools/RadeonProRender.hpp. This is a simple class-based wrapper for C calls. This also allows thread safe calls to the RPR API.

    3. An example of using the API in Python is available in the Blender Plugin code.


Radeon ProRender is a closed source library, but is offered with permissive Apache 2.0 licensing to use in all applications. We do ask that acknowledgement be given, such as ‘Using AMD Radeon ProRender technology’. Please contact us for questions regarding licensing. Furthermore, AMD marketing can help support applications using the Radeon ProRender SDK after contacting us.