
Initiates BVH traversal for a ray and find the closest hit for a given scene. A user can provide a custom stack allocated in local memory for traversal.

Public Member Functions



hiprtSceneTraversalClosestCustomStack (hiprtScene scene, const hiprtRay& ray, hiprtRayMask mask, hiprtStack &stack);

Constructor taking an instance of hiprtGeometry and a ray for initating traversal.

hiprtSceneTraversalClosestCustomStack (hiprtScene scene, const hiprtRay& ray, hiprtRayMask mask, hiprtCustomFuncSet funcSet, hiprtStack &stack);

Constructor taking an instance of hiprtGeometry and a ray for initating traversal.


Returns the next closest hit. For return value see the structure hiprtHit.


Queries current traversal state. Return value can be one of the values from hiprtTraversalState enum.