Viewport Commands and Options

AMD Radeon ProRender supports a set of commands and options to work with the render output in the Viewport.


You can call Viewport commands using buttons on the Viewport toolbar.

  • Toggles scene rendering ― starts or stops scene rendering. Requires a started preview session (for details, see Viewport Render).

  • Toggles scene synchronization ― enables or disables synchronization of the ProRender viewport output with the Unreal Editor.

  • Save the framebuffer state or ProRender scene ― saves the rendered output to a file.

  • Export the scene as gltf file ― exports the rendered output as a GLTF file.

  • Toggles current camera orbiting ― enables or disables camera orbiting.

  • Toggles RPR tracing ― enables or disables RPR ray tracing.

  • Rebuilds everything ― restarts the current preview session and re-renders the output (for details, see Viewport Render).


You can manipulate or change the appearance of the rendered output in the Viewport using the following viewport options.

  • Camera ― the camera for the render output.

  • Quality ― render quality. For details, see Full Spectrum Rendering.

  • Resolution ― resolution of the render output.

  • AOV ― set of AOVs for the render output. For details, see AOVs.