Viewport Render

Radeon ProRender Viewport provides a way to preview what your scene will look like after rendering. It displays a rendered view of the scene, with none of the editor-specific elements shown.

To render a scene in the Radeon ProRender viewport:

  1. On the toolbar, click Play to launch a preview session.

  2. In the main menu, select Radeon ProRender > ProRender Viewport.

  3. In the ProRender Viewport, click the Toggles scene rendering button.

  4. Save the render output using the Save the framebuffer state or ProRender scene or Export the scene as gltf file buttons.

Viewport Commands, Options and Properties

Radeon ProRender Viewport supports a set of commands, options and properties to tune and manipulate the render output.

Changing and Rebuilding the Scene

While working with the rendered scene, you will often need to make changes to it, such as manipulating objects, lights and cameras, or tuning materials. After you introduce this type of changes to the scene, you should rebuild it to obtain an updated render output in the Viewport. Rebuilding the scene stops the current preview session and starts a new one taking into account the modifications you have made to the scene. To rebuild the scene, use the Rebuilds everything command on the Viewport toolbar.

In case you need to change render properties, use the Toggles scene rendering command on the viewport toolbar. This option updates the render property values without actually stopping the current preview session.