Edge Avoiding Wavelets

Edge Avoiding Wavelets is a noise reducing filter based on the \`A-Trous wavelet denoiser.

No denoiser

Color sigma: 0.2, ID sigma: 0.01

Color sigma: 0.75, ID sigma: 0.5

Download the above scene (.blend)

Color Sigma

The Color Sigma parameter defines a threshold for detecting the color difference between a pixel and its neighbors.

The parameter supports values from 0 to 1. Smaller values blend pixels with very similar colors which preserves edges better but retains more noise artifacts. Greater values allow greater color differences, which forces denoising but results in smoother edges and color bleeding.

Normal Sigma

The Normal Sigma parameter defines a threshold for detecting differences between surface normals.

The parameter supports values from 0 to 1. Smaller values better detect mesh irregularities and retain geometry details at challenging regions, such as corners or edges. Greater values allow more difference but may destroy finer geometry details.

Depth Sigma

The Depth Sigma parameter defines a threshold for detecting Z-depth differences.

The parameter supports values from 0 to 1. Smaller values better preserve edges but retain more noise in the image.

ID Sigma

The ID Sigma parameter defines a threshold for detecting Object ID differences. It helps to distinguish mesh surfaces based on internal ID values set for objects in AMD Radeon ProRender.

The parameter supports values from 0 to 1.