Conversion of Scenes

AMD Radeon ProRender provides an easy way to convert scenes created with other render engines: Arnold and Redshift. This can ease the transition for artists that have used these render engines in Maya for some time, and would like to try Radeon ProRender as an alternative. In this case, converting an already existing scene might be a good way to evaluate the new render engine and get started with it.

Compare the two render outputs for a scene: the first one created with Arnold and the second one converted to AMD Radeon ProRender. The model used in this example is the Old Wrist Watch 3D Model.

Render of the scene created in Arnold

Render of the conversion result in AMD RPR

Download the above scene (.zip)

And the one created with Redshift and converted to AMD Radeon ProRender. The models used in this example are the Colored Glass Vases 3D Model and Black and White Ceramic Vases 3D Model.

Render of the scene created in Redshift

Render of the conversion result in AMD RPR

Download the above scene (.zip)


Conversion can be implemented for the following versions of render engines:

  • Arnold 5 or later

  • Redshift 2 or later

  • VRay 2.1 or later

To be able to perform conversion of a scene, the render engine in which the scene was created must be installed and loaded in Maya.

Converting Scenes

As part of conversion, AMD Radeon ProRender translates existing material, environment, light and other nodes to those of its own. The original names of the nodes are kept but have the _rpr suffix appended.

To convert a scene to AMD Radeon ProRender:

  1. Open the source scene.

  2. Make sure that AMD Radeon ProRender is set as the active render engine in Maya.

    For details, see Switching to Radeon ProRender for Maya.

  3. In the main menu, select Radeon ProRender > Convert and choose one of the following commands:

    • Convert Arnold Scene to RPR

    • Convert Redshift Scene to RPR

  4. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to start conversion.

  5. To preview the conversion result, switch to Radeon ProRender viewport, or run the IPR or production render.

Unsupported Nodes

There are certain nodes that AMD Radeon ProRender cannot convert for various reasons.

  • Inconvertible materials are replaced with the green shader having the _UNSUPPORTED_MATERIAL name suffix.

  • Inconvertible nodes are replaced with an empty node having the _UNSUPPORTED_NODE name suffix.

Wireframe material in Arnold

Unsupported material

Download the above scene (.zip)

For details on the conversion support for Arnold and Redshift nodes, see the following sections: