Exporting Scenes

In addition to standard export functions supported by Maya, AMD Radeon ProRender allows you to export the scene geometry and materials into the following additional formats:

Exporting Scenes to GLTF

For an efficient transmission of scenes between various 3D applications, you can choose to export your Radeon ProRender scenes to GLTF format.

To export a scene to GLTF format, use the standard Maya workflow:

  1. In the main menu, select File > Export All or File > Export Selection.

  2. In the Export window, choose RPR GLTF in the Files of Type list, and specify other export options as required.

    For details of the export options supported by Maya, see Export All/Selection Options in the Maya documentation.

  3. Click Export All or Export Selection.


It is recommended that you keep the Build PBR Images option selected. This option saves scenes in the format that is recognized by the RPR Viewer.

Exporting Scenes to RPR

AMD Radeon ProRender allows you to export the scene contents to its native RPR format. Scenes in the RPR format are intended to be used with the RprsRender64 command line tool which can be handy for performing batch renders or building a distributed rendering pipeline.

To export a scene to the RPR format:

  1. Open the scene you created with Maya and AMD Radeon ProRender.

  2. In the main menu, select Radeon ProRender > Export > Export Scene.

    This will open the RPR Scene Export window with the export settings.

  3. To export an animation, select the Enable Sequence Export check box and specify the number of the first and the last frames to be exported. When exporting a scene as a sequence, AMD Radeon ProRender creates a separate RPR file for each frame.

  4. To export the scene as one file, select the Export as a Single File check box. With this option enabled, AMD Radeon ProRender creates one RPR file for an exported static scene, and a set of RPR files for an exported sequence (one file per frame).

    With this option disabled, AMD Radeon ProRender will create additional buffer files (RPRSB) to store texture, geometry and other data whenever the amount of that data exceeds 1 MB.

    Externalizing data into buffer files can be especially useful for animated scenes with slight differences between frames, as it helps to reduce the size of the resulting files. Instead of storing the whole of the scene contents to every RPR file created per frame, you can have texture, geometry and other static data exported to RPRSB files only once, while each RPR file will store a small amount of data describing the state per frame.

  5. In the Compression list, select the compression level for the exported data:

    • None stands for no compression.

    • Level 1 provides lossless image compression normally producing smaller files compared to no compression.

    • Level 2 provides lossy image compression.

    • Level 3 provides lossy image compression and additionally reduces the size of per vertex attributes (normals and UVs). This compression level produces the smallest file sizes but might result in visible data loss.

  6. In the Select Camera list, select the render camera.

  7. Click Launch Export.

  8. In the Save As window, specify the path to the folder in which the exported file(s) are to be stored.