
The Hybrid renderer is intended for real-time ray tracing. It uses the same API as Northstar to define the scene. However, there are a few differences:
Of course, for rprRegisterPlugin() you need to provide the Hybrid binary inside the Northstar one.
Hybrid only manages RPR_MATERIAL_NODE_UBERV2 materials, and a few other utility materials like RPR_MATERIAL_NODE_IMAGE_TEXTURE, RPR_MATERIAL_NODE_NORMAL_MAP. We cannot define materials like RPR_MATERIAL_NODE_DIFFUSE, RPR_MATERIAL_NODE_MICROFACET.
There is no ‘resolved’ framebuffer: The framebuffer attached to RPR_AOV_COLOR is the final one that will be displayed.
There are no rendering iterations: for Northstar, RPR_CONTEXT_ITERATIONS is a very important parameter which allows you to adjust how much time you want to spend on an image. For Hybrid, there is no iteration and you call rprContextRender() once.