This tutorial covers import and export of RPR data. All items in an RPR scene can be dumped after loading with the call rprsExport()
. This saves the data to an rpr file (use the RPR file extension). Once exported, that data can be re-imported with rprsImport()
or rendered from the command line with RPRSRender64.exe.
This is a good method for setting up batched renders or transferring data to a remote rendering service.
The tutorial also uses the RPR GLTF library: we can import/export RPR scenes to GLTF exactly the same way we do with RPR format.
status = rprsExport(rprsFileName,context, scene,
Mesh Export
// Mesh Export to RPRS (native RPR file format)
CHECK(rprsxExport("cube_floor.rprs", context, nullptr, scene, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, nullptr));
// Mesh Export to GLTF
CHECK(rprExportToGLTF("cube_floor.gltf", context, nullptr, &scene, 1, 0, nullptr));
Mesh Import
// RPRS file Import (native RPR file format)
// Create a scene for the RPRS import
rpr_scene scene_rprs = nullptr;
CHECK(rprContextCreateScene(context, &scene_rprs));
CHECK(rprContextSetScene(context, scene_rprs));
// Make sure to execute the demo "60_mesh_export" in order to create the cube_floor.rprs file first
CHECK(rprsImport("cube_floor.rprs", context, matsys, &scene_rprs, true, nullptr));
// GLTF Import
// Create a scene for the GLTF import
rpr_scene scene_gltf = nullptr;
CHECK(rprContextCreateScene(context, &scene_gltf));
CHECK(rprContextSetScene(context, scene_gltf));
// Make sure to execute the demo "60_mesh_export" in order to create the cube_floor.gltf file first
CHECK(rprImportFromGLTF("cube_floor.gltf", context, matsys, &scene_gltf, nullptr, 0, nullptr));