Render Devices

The Render Devices settings are used to define what hardware will be used for production and viewport rendering. AMD Radeon ProRender supports GPU and CPU devices.

During installation, AMD Radeon ProRender runs a hardware check to detect GPUs with OpenCL support. If such GPUs are discovered, the first GPU card will be set as the default render device. If no OpenCL-compliant GPUs are detected, AMD Radeon ProRender will default to CPU rendering.

You can change the type of render device(s) used. The options to choose from are as follows:

  • CPU only. You can specify the number of threads (logical processors) to use for rendering. The default number of threads is set to the total number of threads available. You can decrease this value if you wish to keep the remaining threads for other applications during the rendering process.

  • GPU only. You can use one or multiple GPUs.

  • CPU + GPU. You can use CPU and GPU devices simultaneously.


Whenever possible, select GPU devices for rendering, as this accelerates rendering. Use CPU rendering if no OpenCL-compliant GPUs are available. CPU + GPU rendering can be faster or slower depending on the relative performance of each component.

The chosen render device selection is applied to production rendering, viewport rendering and material preview. To use a different setup for viewport rendering and material preview, enable the Separate Viewport & Preview Devices option and choose the necessary devices in the section below. Normally, for viewport rendering, light and material preview, you would choose lower-quality settings, or settings that result in faster image recalculation at the cost of the image quality.