RPR Nodes and Materials

AMD Radeon ProRender offers numerous shader nodes to allow artists build fully functional materials in Maya. This section provides a brief description of available Radeon ProRender shader nodes.




RPR Blend Material

Blends two materials. A blend material can have another blend material in its input, thus allowing to blend multiple materials.

RPR Flat Color Material

A material that always has the same color and does not get affected by the scene lights.

RPR Layered Material

A variation of the RPR Blend Material with additional controls for mixing.

RPR Material

A multi-purpose material that can be used to create various types of surfaces, such as Diffuse, Reflect, Refract, Transparent, Emissive.

RPR PBR Material

A Pixar standard PBR material. The node includes simplified controls for subsurface scattering and refraction, base color is used instead of diffuse. The material is good for game models.

RPR Matte Material

A material that receives shadows and/or reflections but remains invisible in the final render. The node is useful for placing a model on a photo-panoramic background.

RPR Subsurface Material

A material that does not refract light like a mirror or water, but allows it penetrate it a little before scattering, like candles, milk, skin or fruit, like grapes.

RPR Transparent Material

A transparent material. This node can be used with the RPR Blend Material to make more advanced materials such as meshes and layered shaders.

RPR Uber Material

A complex material that combines several inputs to generate one large shader, alleviating the need to group many shader nodes together. For details, see the Uber Shader and Using Uber Shader in Maya sections in the documentation.




RPR Volume Material

Adds volumetric effects, such as streetlights at night, fog or mist. The material can be combined with a surface material to create the effect of subsurface scattering or refractive absorption.




RPR Texture

Adds an image file as a 2D texture.

RPR Voronoi

Adds a procedural texture based on Voronoi patterns.




RPR Ambient Occlusion

Ambient occlusion generator. The node controls illuminated (unoccluded) and shadowed (occluded) colors and sample radius. The node can be used for mask generation.

RPR Arithmetic

Performs shading math operations (add, multiply, dot, etc.).

RPR Blend Value

Blends two color values.

RPR Bump

Normal map generator that accept heightmaps and outputs the transformed normal map expected by AMD Radeon ProRender.

RPR Checker

Checker map generator.


Dot gradient generator.

RPR Fresnel

Fresnel mask generator. The node is useful for camera-based masking (white color perpendicular to the screen, and black at grazing angles). The mask is controlled by the IOR coefficient, which is the same as the reflective and refractive IOR in the Uber material.

RPR Fresnel Schlick

Same as the RPR Fresnel node, but controlled by the reflectivity value (which is easier to use with a map).

RPR Gradient

Gradient (ramp) generator.

RPR Lookup

Provides information about the position and orientation of each point of the surface that is being sampled (normal angle, incident angle).

RPR Noise

A noise generator.

RPR Normal

A normal map processor that converts the Tangent Space normal map into the Radeon ProRender normal map format. Normal maps cannot be used without this node.




RPR Displacement

Controls displacement to be used with other materials. The node should be connected to the Shading Group Displacement input.